I've been working on my Exorcists as a side project for the last couple of years. The old Space Marines Codex depicted the archetypal Exorcists as red with a black power pack and gold trim:
At the time, I did not know that the yellow/gold trim on the pauldrons was indicative of a Space Marine from the 2nd Company, so I painted up my troops like the picture. I inadvertently chose my Company for all of my forces. I kind of wish I had gone with 5th, because black would lean into the whole muted color scheme I ended up on. But my guys are the 2nd Company, proud and strong.
I dedicated a lot of my painting time in the last six weeks to working towards having 3000 points painted in anticipation for a big ol' Apocalypse game against my brother when this is all through.
So here's what I have painted!
The Chapter Master of the Exorcists hasn't been established in the lore, so I went ahead and cast Apollodorus in the role. I always spend the 2 CP to run him as the Chapter Master, and him exclusively. Gravis Armor makes this dude incredibly survivable. T5 and 7 wounds is tough to get through. Usually he only ever dies because a Sorcerer or two has breached the lines and kills him with mortal wounds. He is eternally loyal to Inquisitor Felencia, often times deferring to her as commander of a battle force.
Sennacherib used to be the sergeant of Squad Sennacherib (now Squad Soroush). In one battle he watched as his whole squad was killed by warp lightning, leaving him alone in the ruins of a church. But he did not bend. He did not flee. He rushed out of cover to slay the Exalted Sorcerer Maatzer before the wicked psyker could deliver the killing blow to Chapter Master Apollodorus. For his heroics, he was promoted to lieutenant, and I painted a stripe on his helmet.
I am really proud of how Acheron turned out. Acheron is the voice of faith and loyalty for the 2nd Company. He hasn't ever... done much, of anything. In any game. Before the new Marine Codex, I would teleport him in alongside my Terminators and he'd give them all rerolls for their thunder hammers, but these days, with Litanies... eh, I haven't really found his niche. I'll keep on bringing him to games and mixing up his abilities. I'm sure I'll figure something out. He will continue to faithfully serve his chapter and the Emperor.
I just recently finished this guy, so he does not have a name yet. This was my first attempt at doing OSL, too, and I think it turned out alright. He's only played in one game and he killed himself while overcharging his plasma pistol.
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Holy over-saturation, Batman. |
The High Chaplain of the Exorcists. I've yet to field him in a game, and with all the negative chatter about Chaplain Dreadnoughts I've been nervous to. He doesn't have the lascannons that most people associate with the terrifying Space Marines meta lists. He just wants to run up the field screaming apoplectically. Kitbashing this guy was really fun.
My Inquisitor and her retinue. Technically not a Space Marine, but Felencia makes it into all of my games with the Exorcists. She was one of my first models, and I could never really find a place for her in my Grey Knights lists, so I try to fit her in with the Exorcists. Lore-wise, it makes sense for an Inquisitor to be attached to the Chapter, and Felencia's abilities jive really well with my Space Marines. The Ordo Malleus psychic power Power Through Knowledge can give a squad of Intercessors a 5++, which can be handy in a pinch. My Space Marines are also much more static than my Grey Knights -- Where my Sons of Titans are always moving and teleporting around the board, my Exorcists like to castle up and stonk heretics from across the board. Felencia is happy to lead them.
So far the only representation of my Chapter's librarius. I really did not like the hooded head of the stock Phobos Librarian. Too mall-goth for my taste. So I gave him Voldus' head and transplanted a gorget from some other Space Marine. Azra Lutemn hasn't made much of an appearance on the table. I should change that. Having another psyker would be very valuable.
I love these guys. Seconded from the 1st Company, this Veteran Intercessor Squad is tasked with defending the Chapter Master from whatever foul forces challenge his mastery of the battlefield. Sergeant Khurshid has six attacks on the charge, which is insane. He also manages to find himself facing off against enemy characters all of the damn time. As a veteran of the Death Watch, he has definitely made a name for himself in the 2nd Company.
Some of my first models. Originally I made all of my Intercessors with the idea of making a battalion to support my Grey Knights and give them some much needed CP.
These guys were my Kill Team during a campaign back in summer of 2018. Poor Leofsige suffered a fall a few months back and his precious nameplate snapped. :(
I just finished Sergeant Soroush a week or so ago. His nameplate is on the way. I'm hoping that he will really wreck up some Chaos tanks with that power fist of his. The other Intercessors in this squad were some of the first I painted for this army, and when contrasted with Soroush you can really see how my scheme for my Exorcists has changed. The darker, muted red is a much nicer effect, I think, and really gives the gothic daemon-possessed look that I want. Also it makes us look less like Blood Angels.
I've never liked the Scout models. I built some Tac Marines and left off the pauldrons and power packs, and I think it turned out pretty okay. They are noticeably smaller than my Intercessors, which is good from a tabletop perspective because they have half the wounds. I should build more Scouts, since the Exorcists have three whole Scout Companies.
These were the guys from the Shadowspear boxed set. I like the variety of poses and roles in the squad. The Helix Adept in particular was very fun to paint. One thing that I am always irked by is the similarity in the Primaris models. Sometimes I can't tell an opponent's Intercessors from his Infiltrators, and I plan my entire deep strike strategy assuming I can come in 9" away. I'm a firm proponent of gameplay ease being paramount when modeling and painting, so I've decided that all of my Phobos dudes are going to have black limbs to sufficiently distinguish them from my Primaris guys in normal Mark X Tacticus armor. Hopefully people will be able to tell these guys are Infiltrators at a glance.
One time, a Mawloc popped up out of the ground right in my backline amidst all my tanks, and Sohrab heroically intervened into it like a badass. He got devoured, but it was a cool moment.
This is just the standard Contemptor that comes in the GW plastic kit. It is not very posable, especially compared to the beautiful Forge World Contemptors. The kit was so static and dull, in fact, that I based coated it and neglected it for the better part of the year. Were it not for quarantine, I would never have painted him.
Look at this Dreadnought with the Legends loadout! This guy has three heavy flamers. He was the first Exorcists vehicle I made. His first match was against Tyranids, and boy did he crisp hoards of bugs. Regular Dreads don't get nearly as much table time as Redemptors and all the fancy FW Dreads, but Honored Brother Serebot will always have a place in my games.
Fun fact about this squad: I built them in an excited rush without thinking about what they were gonna have besides THUNDER HAMMERS, and I didn't notice that I'd spread the sergeant's bits across the whole squad. One guy has his storm shield, another has his helmet, another has his hammer, and the guy in the middle has his winged crux. Also one of them has a Custodes shield, because... no reason. I thought it looked cool.
Another kit from the Shadowspear box. I didn't like the jumpy fins that they had, or the helmets. So I gave them beakies and traditional jump packs, and put IG autocannon drums on the sides of their weapons. Suppressors are interesting. I think they're really fun and cheap, but I've never seen them do anything on the tabletop. Maybe plink off a wound here or there, but they just aren't very killy.
I painted these up specifically to fill the Fast Attack slots of a Brigade.
Tanks are really cool. The Rhino chassis is really cool. Thus Predators are really, really cool. They are so much fun to build and paint. They're another model that just dies immediately on the tabletop, but I bring them because they look awesome accompanying my troops into battle.
Another Predator, this one covered in lascannons. This one has been with the Chapter for centuries. It has slain Greater Daemons. It's one of the first models I did for my Exorcists, and still sports the bright red of my earlier paintjobs.
I just finished painting these guys on Wednesday this week, before my game against Harlequins. I'm debating on whether or not I want to do the OSL effect on their guns that I did on the Captain. Maybe, but I like how clean they look right now. I still need to etch runes and scripture into their armor, but other than that they are finished.
A thud gun and its accompanying Techmarine, and all of his little helper servitors making sure it is all nice and shiny for battle.
The Exorcists have only been around for about 5,000 years, so they do not have any Leviathan Dreadnoughts at their disposal. Only the First Founding Chapters claim to have such fearsome weapons. A few centuries ago an Inquisitor Ordinary discovered this particular Leviathan rampaging across the surface of a feudal world near the Eye of Terror. The locals said it was an ancient monster, an immortal beast that slaughtered everything it beheld. The warrior interred within the Dreadnought had long since gone completely mad and the Inquisitor found no success in attempting communication. The Inquisitor Ordinary suspected that, based off of its coloration and iconography, the Leviathan originally belonged to the Thousand Sons Legion before the days of the Heresy. The Inquisitor Ordinary deemed it necessary to destroy the mindless beast, but some last minute interrogation of the locals revealed that the Leviathan seemed to seek out witches and the possessed in particular. It destroyed all in its path, but it was ravenously drawn to the presence of psykers. The Inquisitor Ordinary realized this could be utilized in the Ordo Malleus' eternal war against the Archenemy, and he captured the Dreadnought. He entrusted the deployment of the beast to Chapter Master Apollodorus, urging him to only release it when the situation was at its most dire.
The ride of Squad Soroush, equipped with a heavy stubber and that anti-air gun I forget the name of.
The dedicated transport for my recently finished squad of Hellblasters, equipped with a shield dome to hopefully keep them alive on the way to the front lines.
Another model I finished in the last few weeks. Four lascannons raining from the sky will hopefully put a dent in the Thousand Sons bigger daemons when we at last get around to our plagues-end game.
I really liked seeing the full breakdown of your forces in this professional looking photos. Would you do a similar breakdown of your Grey Knights? Seeing all the characters and thoughts behind the army would be really interesting.